Geofences Around Schools: A Smart Step Towards Safer and Cleaner School Environments

School Zones: Municipality of Pavia experiments with geofences around schools

In an era where traffic safety and air quality are becoming increasingly important, municipalities are seeking innovative solutions to make the areas around schools safer and healthier. A promising approach is the use of geofences – virtual boundaries that activate specific traffic rules when vehicles pass through them. Let’s explore how this technology can contribute to a better school environment.

What are geofences?

Geofences are virtual boundaries built around real-world locations like schools. When a vehicle crosses such a boundary, it can trigger various actions, such as sending a notification or activating certain traffic rules.  when properly integrated and utilized in various GPS-based applications, can help protect students, reduce air pollution, and ease traffic congestion around schools and other critical areas (like hospitals, playgrounds and more).

Example of a Geofence, in this case the ZTL of Pavia, Italy. The image is taken from the GeoJunxion Eco Alert Database.

Geofences and traffic safety

By implementing geofences around schools, municipalities can automatically lower speed limits or restrict certain vehicles during school hours. This significantly increases safety for children, parents, and teachers.  Different type of geofences can be implemented such as School Streets, School Zones and even Low-Emission Zones.

Improving air quality

Recent research shows that low-emission traffic schemes lead to a substantial improvement in air quality. Geofences can be used to implement similar schemes around schools, resulting in cleaner air for our children.

Case study: Pavia, Italy

The Italian city of Pavia has successfully implemented geofences around schools. The system, known as ‘Zona Scolastica’, restricts traffic during school start and end times.

The school street measure in Pavia will not be active from day one. The city will first inform parents and then decide on implementation methods. Cars and motorcycles will be prohibited on streets adjacent to schools at 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM. Goals include improving child safety and reducing pollution. The project also includes creating walking school bus routes.

When such geofences are implemented in navigation systems drives can we warned when approaching a school zone, be advised about strict speed limits and access restrictions.  Moreover, Transport & Logistics companies could include geofences around schools in route planning avoid congested areas with a high-density of vulnerable pedestrians and cars waiting for students.

Recommendations for implementation

1. Collaboration: Work closely with schools, parents, and local residents to create support.

2. Technology: Invest in reliable GPS technology and ensure integration with popular navigation apps.

3. Communication: Provide clear communication about the new rules and their benefits.

4. Flexibility: Implement a system that can adapt to different school times and special events.

5. Monitoring: Collect data to measure the effectiveness of the system and adjust where necessary.

Challenges and solutions

While geofences are promising, there may be challenges such as technical issues or resistance from some drivers. It’s important to develop a robust system and actively involve the community in the implementation.


Geofences offer an innovative solution to make school environments safer and healthier. By taking the success of cities like Pavia as an example, other municipalities can deploy this technology to improve traffic safety and increase air quality around schools. It’s time to invest in smart, sustainable solutions that protect the health and safety of our children.